About Kim


Kim DeAngelo is a writer of remarkable spiritual depth and insight. In spite of numerous health issues and traumatic events, she's lived a rich, full life as one divinely blessed with an intimate Mystical experience of dancing empathically on the heart strings of Jesus. She has been gifted to hear His Voice to receive knowledge and understanding that walk outside of logic and break through all boundaries, and has come to understand her soul purpose is to share the messages gained. Messages of healing humanity's relationship with humanity, relationship with Lord of Love and relationship with self. She has been given to see the "removal of the veil" between ourselves and God within, as well as between ourselves and each other as the path toward recognizing our self in all other and all other in self, where we come to live Love empathically and be the means toward lifting of oppression.

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Kirkus Reviews, the prestigious American book review magazine,

wrote the following about

...and Drink the Liquid Sound of Wisdom...

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A devotional poetry collection with a surprisingly refreshing voice.


DeAngelo’s collection of poems, prayers and meditations is not a book about how "spiritual" she is. Rather, it’s an ongoing exploration of faith in its purest, most desperate sense — reaching for something larger that must be there, even when there’s little evidence to support it. The poems span years of DeAngelo’s life, many of which were spent struggling with extraordinary physical and emotional trauma in the form of chronic illness, serious accidents, rape, divorce and more. The resulting poems are rarely ecstatic or even praise-heavy; many grapple directly with the "dark night of the soul," seeking a greater truth in the face of confusion, doubt and conflict. Few of the poems rely on rhyme, and even fewer follow standard poetic forms, but throughout the collection, DeAngelo demonstrates a keen understanding of the rhythm and flow of language, as well as how its construction and placement on the page can contribute to and enhance meaning by focusing attention on certain words, phrases or expressions. Many of the written prayers follow the traditional format of a prose poem, preserving a sentence’s full structure while adopting poetic line and stanza breaks. These and the more condensed pieces share an ear for language, an eye for structure and a feel for language that cuts vividly to the core of the matter. The collection as a whole gives readers the sense that both it and the faith it expresses are works in progress, if not living beings in and of themselves. It’s a collection not only to savor, but to return to.


A nuanced exploration of faith with a clear sense of poetics.


God speaks through ...and Drink the Liquid Sound of Wisdom... with lyric, poetry and prayer to show the importance and beauty of intimate communion (actual dialogue) with Creator. The subtle and gentle dance between Wisdom and a willing spirit here, offer an experience of "living Grace on a cellular level"; meeting God in the living, not in the credentials, and to embrace "faith as simply believing in the Love". This dance is never idle, even in, especially in stillness.


...and Drink the Liquid Sound of Wisdom... cries, despairs, sings, dances and prays. It is dialogue of the soul. It is wanting less while needing more, finding more while needing less. It is responsible and irresponsible. It breaks through boundaries and absolutes as it shows reality in spirit and possibility in miracle. The pages are deep, profound and thought provoking, while they invite one to experience the walk of empathy, mercy, forgiveness, non-duality and duality in all ― good, bad, ugly ― to come to compassion for all ― good, bad, ugly.


This is not a book of self-help, nor philosophy. It is a journey that expresses transformation, but does not end in this transformation, for it is a river-flowing-ever...


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© 2024 Kimberlyann DeAngelo/Samuel Zimmerman